Many of our books are also on Kindle,
Some ebooks are sale-priced for introduction Mostly for Kindle --or download free Kindle for PC Rt 66.novels, Marilyn Monroe, tools for writers,CriticaI.thinking Check them out at ebookbargainlist.com |
http://7spiritualstages.com/ | In transition to feature books on Body, Mind and Spirit | |
900billiondollarsworthof stone.com | To be a Poetry Site | |
http://99newmexicans.com/ | Ellos Pasaron por Aqui — 99 New Mexicans and a Few Other Folks (2005) Don Bullis compilation of old-time stories illustrates how the Wild West really was during New Mexico’s frontier era. | |
abnewhorizons.com | St Louis general all-purpose full service travel agency | |
accessible-travel.com | Inspirational Bookstore, books by Fred Rosen, June Price and others on adapting to and overcoming disabilities | |
http://ahorsenamedpeggy.com/ | A Horse Named Peggy ISBN 1-888725-66-4. A Horse Named Peggy-and other enchanting character-building stories for smart teenage boys who want to grow up to be good men. Richard Showstack, (2004) | |
http://americanvaluesbooks.com/ | new site for books on Liberty and Inspiration, self help | |
anthraxbook.com | Books on biological warfare agents | |
anthraxbook.info | Books on biological warfare agents | |
anthraxbooks.info | Books on biological warfare agents | |
antiterrorismbooks.com | Books on biological warfare agents | |
antiterrorismbooks.info | Books on biological warfare agents | |
antiterrorismbooks.net | Books on biological warfare agents | |
attendantsfromhell.com | Avoiding Attendants from Hell- A Guide to finding, Hiring and Keeping Personal Care Attendants by June Price Reviewed in Inside MS | |
http://bachelorpartygift.com/ | Helpful books and zany ideas and gifts for bachelor / bachelorette parties. A little bit baudy but all in fun. mature disgression advised! | |
http://bachelorpartygift.com/ | The best gift is a guide to sexual health
at std-statistics.com Now available as an inexpensive ebook--Sexually Transmitted Diseases—Symptoms,
diagnosis,Treatment, Prevention-2nd Edn- 290pp. Now available as an
inexpensive ebook-- More than 70 illustrations and photos.. This book gives
information on the most common STDs extant in the United States: Hepatitis,
HIV/AIDS, Chancroid, Human Papillomavirus, Human Papillomavirus, Lymphogranuloma
Venereum, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, Chlamydia, Genital HPV, Trichomoniasis,
Gonorrhea, Genital Herpes, Vaginal Infections and Vaginitis, Bacterial
Vaginosis, Vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC), Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Important
Parasites: Pubic Lice, Head Lice--Pediculosis, Scabies. |
Banis & Associates
banis-associates.com |
Consulting, Teaching, Parent Company of Science & Humanities Press | |
http://banisenterprises.com/ | ||
beachhousebooks.com | ![]() Home of BeachHouse Books--The kind you take to the beach |
http://beyondleanbook.com/ | Darrell Bender--Do's and Don'ts of Lean transformation | |
http://biographicalpainting.com/ | Secrets of How to Make an Interesting Living from Creating Biographical Paintings, LC Van Savage (2006) ISBN 1-59630-007-8 Experienced guidebook on this fascinating way to earn a living creating Biographical Paintings. Practical, detailed instructions and experiences with numerous examples. $28.95 | |
http://biopainting.com/ | Secrets of How to Make an Interesting Living from Creating Biographical Paintings, LC Van Savage (2006) ISBN 1-59630-007-8 Experienced guidebook on this fascinating way to earn a living creating Biographical Paintings. Practical, detailed instructions and experiences with numerous examples. $28.95 | |
bioterrorismbooks.com | Books on biological warfare agents | |
bioterrorismbooks.info | Books on biological warfare agents | |
bioterrorismbooks.net | Books on biological warfare agents | |
http://booksforpoets.com/ | Upcoming book on Poetry that Sounds Good. The sound should echo the Sense. techniques for improving your poetry. | |
bridgenevercrossed.com | The Bridge Never Crossed. The Inspiring story of Captain George Burk, lone survivor of a military airplane crash and his spiritual journey beyond survival to success. George Burk is sometimes misspelled as George Burke, George Berke, George Berk, or even George Birk. | |
budbanis.com | Personal Home of Dr. Bud Banis--a utility site for teaching
, research, and professional activities such as The University
of Missouri--St. Louis, The Institute
of Management Accountants and The St.
Louis Publishers Association
Founder of Science & Humanities Press (1994) with imprints BeachHouse Books, MacroPrintBooks, Early Editions Books, and Heuristic Books. |
buildyourownpublishing.com | Upcoming Book by Dr. Bud Banis (with video) on building your own book publishing company, including practical tips and experience on author contracts, publishing mechanics, Library of Congress cataloging and Bowkerlink ISBN assignment, Manufacturing, printing, binding, marketing, sales, Shipping and set up with outlets such as amazon.com | |
businesscriticalthinking.com | A practical text for building thinking skills by Bob Schoenberg, who developed and teaches an online course in critical thinking at the University of Massachusetts |
http://collegecheating.com/ | Tools and Techniques for detection and prevention of college cheating. Collecting stories on college cheating for the upcoming book, The Professor's Guide to College Cheating |
http://collegecheating.net/ | Tools and Techniques for detection and prevention of college Cheating.collecting stories on college cheating for the upcoming book, The Professor's Guide to College Cheating |
criticalthinkingbook.com | A practical text for building thinking skills by Bob Schoenberg, who developed and teaches an online course in critical thinking at the University of Massachusetts |
criticalthinkinginbusiness.com | A practical text for building thinking skills by Bob Schoenberg, who developed and teaches an online course in critical thinking at the University of Massachusetts |
cureforcancerbook.com | Fiction. Molecular Biologist Dr Andrew Smith. Page turner mystery story |
daterapebook.com | Books, ideas, suggestions for safe dating. Test strips and test coasters for date rape drugs. Have you ever had the experience of seeing someone slip something into your drink at a busy bar?-- I have. fortunately, I spotted it and discarded the tainted drink. Who knows what evil lurks for the unsuspecting victim. |
daterapebooks.com | Be prepared! check out these sources for what to do to protect yourself.
Think of Natalie Holloway in Aruba. Don't be a victim!
If something happens, what should you do? These sites are filled with essential information and tools for prospective or actual rape and date rape victims. It's not your fault! |
decisionsciencebooks.com | |
decisionsciencetutorials.com | |
decisionsciencevideos.com | |
http://democratorrepublican.us/ | Republican or Democrat? (2005) Moses Sanchez, who describes himself as "a Black Hispanic" thinks for himself, questions the stereotypes, examines the facts and makes his own decision. |
disabilitiesdespair.com | Disabilities Stink…
Life gives everybody things they can’t control. Sometimes, even the most capable and productive people hit against a personal limitation and get discouraged over things they can’t do. With some of us, it can be something relatively small, like aches and pains that limit ability to play with our grandchildren, small disappointments. For others, the barriers and hurdles may be much more substantial. So what do you do when life hands you a major setback? Do you quit, sink into despair and wait for something good to happen to get you past the depression? This book offers practical help. Dr. Michael LeBow knows intimately the challenges of despair—but more than that— in Overcoming Disabilities Despair he reveals a systematic approach using Cognitive Therapy to rise above, attack and defeat the disabilities despair that can block us from effective happy living. While light-heartedly sharing some of his own stories of frustration, Dr. LeBow walks us through practical systematic tools and procedures to reclaim optimism. Michael D. LeBow Himself disabled for the past 30 years by multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis, Dr. LeBow is still a therapist, teacher, writer, and researcher. Currently he is Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Manitoba. He resides in Winnipeg with his wife and one of his sons. |
http://disabilitiestravel.com/ | Inspirational Bookstore, featuring Fred Rosen, author of How to Travel series guidebooks for people with disabilities, June Price's Avoiding Attendants from Hell, and Kim Harrold's Sometimes MS is Yucky |
disabilitydespair.com | I hate being disabled. It can make everyday tasks seem like giant hurdles.
It can make past joys seem like they’ll never be repeated. It can make
others seem like naysayers and critics , doubting your capabilities, doubting
your capacities, finding you odd, finding you ugly. Probably worst of all,
it can make the future seem like an abyss that’s slowly but surely sucking
you in. So, I hate being disabled because it can make you feel helpless,
joyless, worthless, hopeless. It can do some of or all this, if you let
IF YOU LET IT. Two years ago I began a clinical-research project to show how not to let it, though I had myself been trying not to let it for many years before; multiple sclerosis has been my unwholesome, unwelcome, and unkind companion for decades. The project, focusing on MS but applicable to other disabling conditions, involved how to question and challenge the disability assumptions that cause many of the disabled so much psychological anguish. Its premise, emanating from Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), is what you tell yourself about yourself affects how you feel about yourself. Overcoming Disabilities Despair echoes that premise. The book, which relies on the principles and practices of CBT, distills the project’s procedures into an algorithm that guides those despairing about their disabilities into thinking better to feel more upbeat and more hopeful. Its lessons reflect my training in CBT and the works of such scholars as Drs. Aaron Beck and David Burns who have developed and refined this therapeutic approach. I have applied their wisdom to the disability area hoping to improve the lives of those who struggle daily with disabilities despair generated by the unwarranted assumptions they hold about disability and what it means to their present and future well-being. The book describes those assumptions and what to do about them. Overcoming Disabilities Despair is a little book with, I hope, a big pay off. Copy any of the forms inside that you need whenever you need them, and by all means let me know whether the book helps you. I value your criticisms, questions, and comments, so please e-mail them to me at the University of Manitoba [mlebow@cc.umanitoba.ca]. Michael D Lebow, PhD,C Psych. Winnipeg, September 2009 |
donbullis.com | [Don Bullis' novel,] Bloodville has the steel on steel ring of
unflinching truth told in a style and setting which makes this book difficult
to lay aside for silliness such as meals or work. Outstandingly entertaining,
thoroughly accurate and sobering as well – I recommend Bloodville to folks
both inside and outside policing.
-William Kuehl William Kuehl is a former New Mexico State Police captain, a retired municipal police administrator and has directed local, state and international law enforcement academies Ellos Pasaron por Aqui — 99 New Mexicans and a Few Other Folks (2005) Don Bullis compilation of old-time stories illustrates how the Wild West really was during New Mexico’s frontier era. |
earlyeditionsbooks.com earlyeditionsbookshop.com earlyeditionspress.com |
Early Editions Books
Our mission is to expand public access to important information through rapid publication and reprints of timely books and articles. Early Editions Books is an imprint of Science & Humanities Press, but differs from a typical publishing operation as many items may be available early here as prepublication copy, drafts, and U.S. Government reprints for research. In Transition |
ebookbargainlist.com | Regularly updated lists of good books available at bargain prices for the Kindle. some are introductory or temporary promotional pricing by publishers. Check this often! |
http://fables4teenagers.com/ | The Gift of the Magic, Large PrintISBN 1-888725-65 The
Gift of the Magic-and other enchanting character-building stories for smart
teenage girls who want to grow up to be strong women. Richard Showstack,
A Horse Named PeggyISBN 1-888725-66-4. A Horse Named Peggy-and other enchanting character-building stories for smart teenage boys who want to grow up to be good men. Richard Showstack, (2004) |
http://fables4teens.com/ | The Gift of the Magic, Large PrintISBN 1-888725-65 The
Gift of the Magic-and other enchanting character-building stories for smart
teenage girls who want to grow up to be strong women. Richard Showstack,
A Horse Named PeggyISBN 1-888725-66-4. A Horse Named Peggy-and other enchanting character-building stories for smart teenage boys who want to grow up to be good men. Richard Showstack, (2004) |
feathersinthewind.com | Unusually good short stories by Helmut Stefan--with a Mozart tilt! |
http://giftofthemagic.com/ | The Gift of the Magic-and other enchanting character-building stories for smart teenage girls who want to grow up to be strong women. Richard Showstack, (2004) |
. | |
growinguponroute66.com | Growing Up on Route 66 —Michael Lund (2000) ISBN 1-888725-31-1
Coming-of-age novel evoking fond memories of what it was like to grow up
alongside “America’s Highway” in 20th Century Missouri.
Route 66 Kids —Michael Lund (2002) ISBN 1-888725-70-2 Sequel to Growing Up on Route 66, continuing memories of what it was like to grow up alongside “America’s Highway” in 20th Century Missouri. |
http://handshadowpuppets.com/ | Me and My Shadows ISBN: 1-888725-44-3 Me and My Shadows - Shadow Puppet Fun for Kids of All Ages Adams/Banis $12.95 |
heuristicbooks.com | Books on Mathematics and Management Science |
http://hotrodsandromance.com/ | The Way It Was-Nostalgic Tales of HotRods and Romance- by Chuck Klein ISBN: 1-888725-86-9 Regular size print edition. $14.95 |
iliketoruntoo.com | ISBN: 978-1-59630-017-0 I Like to Run Too--Two Decades of Sitting. A memoir of growing up with a physical disability. Stacy Zoern (2007) The extraordinary accomplishments of young Stacy Zoern, who was born with a disability but adapted to become an attorney and business owner before age 30. 5½ X8¼, 198 pp paperback $16.95 |
http://instructionalsimulations.com/ | Examples of simulation models related to social issues and operations management. |
http://instructionalvideotutorials.com/ | Free videotutorials on statistics in EXCEL from Dr Bud Banis at the University of Missouri St Louis. Dr. Banis is an expert on statistical analysis in EXCEL and analysis of youth risk behavior. Free videotutorials are described and referenced at http://instructionalvideotutorials.com/ and http://statisticsvideos.com/ |
http://internationalexecutiveservice.com/ | Journey to a Closed City with the International Executive Service Corps—Russell R. Miller (2004) ISBN 1-888725-94-X, Describes the adventures of a retired executive volunteering with the senior citizens' equivalent of the Peace Corp as he applies his professional skills in a former Iron Curtain city emerging into the dawn of a new economy. This book is essential reading for anyone approaching retirement who is interested in opportunities to exercise skills to "do good" during expense-paid travel to intriguing locations. Journey to A Closed City should also appeal to armchair travelers eager to explore far-off corners of the world in our rapidly-evolving global community. Paperback, 5½X8¼, 270pp, $16.95 |
http://internationalexecutivetravel.com/ | Journey to a Closed City with the International Executive Service Corps—Russell R. Miller (2004) ISBN 1-888725-94-X, Describes the adventures of a retired executive volunteering with the senior citizens' equivalent of the Peace Corp as he applies his professional skills in a former Iron Curtain city emerging into the dawn of a new economy. This book is essential reading for anyone approaching retirement who is interested in opportunities to exercise skills to "do good" during expense-paid travel to intriguing locations. Journey to A Closed City should also appeal to armchair travelers eager to explore far-off corners of the world in our rapidly-evolving global community. Paperback, 5½X8¼, 270pp, $16.95 |
http://internationalseniorservice.com/ | Journey to a Closed City with the International Executive Service Corps—Russell R. Miller (2004) ISBN 1-888725-94-X, Describes the adventures of a retired executive volunteering with the senior citizens' equivalent of the Peace Corp as he applies his professional skills in a former Iron Curtain city emerging into the dawn of a new economy. This book is essential reading for anyone approaching retirement who is interested in opportunities to exercise skills to "do good" during expense-paid travel to intriguing locations. Journey to A Closed City should also appeal to armchair travelers eager to explore far-off corners of the world in our rapidly-evolving global community. Paperback, 5½X8¼, 270pp, $16.95 |
http://internationalseniortravel.com/ | Journey to a Closed City with the International Executive Service Corps—Russell R. Miller (2004) ISBN 1-888725-94-X, Describes the adventures of a retired executive volunteering with the senior citizens' equivalent of the Peace Corp as he applies his professional skills in a former Iron Curtain city emerging into the dawn of a new economy. This book is essential reading for anyone approaching retirement who is interested in opportunities to exercise skills to "do good" during expense-paid travel to intriguing locations. Journey to A Closed City should also appeal to armchair travelers eager to explore far-off corners of the world in our rapidly-evolving global community. Paperback, 5½X8¼, 270pp, $16.95 |
http://internationalservicetravel.com/ | Journey to a Closed City with the International Executive Service Corps—Russell R. Miller (2004) ISBN 1-888725-94-X, Describes the adventures of a retired executive volunteering with the senior citizens' equivalent of the Peace Corp as he applies his professional skills in a former Iron Curtain city emerging into the dawn of a new economy. This book is essential reading for anyone approaching retirement who is interested in opportunities to exercise skills to "do good" during expense-paid travel to intriguing locations. Journey to A Closed City should also appeal to armchair travelers eager to explore far-off corners of the world in our rapidly-evolving global community. Paperback, 5½X8¼, 270pp, $16.95 |
http://jessejamesbook.com/ | Upcoming-- books on Jesse James |
http://journeysinprayerandsong.com/ | Rev. Peter Unger book and song CD of Christian Meditations |
http://journeytoaclosedcity.com/ | Journey to a Closed City with the International Executive Service Corps—Russell R. Miller (2004) ISBN 1-888725-94-X, Describes the adventures of a retired executive volunteering with the senior citizens' equivalent of the Peace Corp as he applies his professional skills in a former Iron Curtain city emerging into the dawn of a new economy. This book is essential reading for anyone approaching retirement who is interested in opportunities to exercise skills to "do good" during expense-paid travel to intriguing locations. Journey to A Closed City should also appeal to armchair travelers eager to explore far-off corners of the world in our rapidly-evolving global community. Paperback, 5½X8¼, 270pp, $16.95 |
jperverseincentives.com | Journal of Perverse Incentives
jperverseincentives.org –a journal of practical solutions for preventing inefficiencies that result from inappropriate accounting incentives. |
jperverseincentives.org | Journal of Perverse Incentives |
largeprintdailyjournal.com | Extra large Print Books--16- to 24-point classics and contemporary literature MacroPrint Books |
largeprintjournal.com | Extra large Print Books--16- to 24-point classics and contemporary literature MacroPrint Books |
largeprintjournals.com | Extra large Print Books--16- to 24-point classics and contemporary literature MacroPrint Books |
leanoperationsmanagement.com | Darrell Bender--Do's and Don'ts of Lean transformation |
leanoperationstransformation.com | Darrell Bender--Do's and Don'ts of Lean transformation |
leansixsigmatransformation.com | Darrell Bender--Do's and Don'ts of Lean transformation |
http://left-hander.com/ | Left-hander on Route 66 --Michael Lund |
http://longleggedblond.com/ | Norman Mark's Blockbuster parody of detective novels |
http://longleggedblonde.com/ | Norman Mark's Blockbuster parody of detective novels |
macroprintbooks.com | Extra large Print Books--16- to 24-point classics and contemporary literature MacroPrint Books |
mamasquad.com | MamaSquad! (2001) Hilarious novel by Clarence Wall about what happens when a group of women from a retirement home get tangled up in Army Special Forces. |
marilynmonroebook.com | To Norma Jeane With Love, Jimmie -Jim Dougherty as told to LC Van Savage (2001) ISBN 1-888725-51-6 The sensitive and touching story of Jim Dougherty's teenage bride who later became Marilyn Monroe. Dozens of photographs. "The Marilyn Monroe book of the year!" As seen on TV |
marilynmonroebooks.com | To Norma Jeane With Love, Jimmie -Jim Dougherty as told to LC Van Savage (2001) ISBN 1-888725-51-6 The sensitive and touching story of Jim Dougherty's teenage bride who later became Marilyn Monroe. Dozens of photographs. "The Marilyn Monroe book of the year!" As seen on TV |
marilynmonroebookshop.com | To Norma Jeane With Love, Jimmie -Jim Dougherty as told to LC Van Savage (2001) ISBN 1-888725-51-6 The sensitive and touching story of Jim Dougherty's teenage bride who later became Marilyn Monroe. Dozens of photographs. "The Marilyn Monroe book of the year!" As seen on TV |
marilynmonroebookstore.com | To Norma Jeane With Love, Jimmie -Jim Dougherty as told to LC Van Savage (2001) ISBN 1-888725-51-6 The sensitive and touching story of Jim Dougherty's teenage bride who later became Marilyn Monroe. Dozens of photographs. "The Marilyn Monroe book of the year!" As seen on TV |
meetpositivesingles.com | If you test positivee for an incurable STD, it's not the end of the world! many people share your situation and would like to pursue relationships with understanding. |
Me and My
also at http://sciencehumanitiespress.com/books/puppet.htm |
hand shadow puppets book at science & Humanities Press and BeachHouse
Me and My Shadows gives detailed instructions on how to produce 32 basic shadow puppet figures. Ideal for anytime gift, christmas gift, girl scout, cub scout, boy scout skit, idea, craft, kindergarten, kindergarten lesson plan or Church youth group. Also a great bit of nostalgia for seniors. |
http://missroute66.com/ | Miss Route 66 Available as a paperback audiobook and Kindle |
http://msbook4kids.com/ | Kim Harrold's booklet for kids to help them understand a friend or relative with MS. Illustrated by Eric Whitfield |
http://msbookforkids.com/ | Kim Harrold's booklet for kids to help them understand a friend or relative with MS. Illustrated by Eric Whitfield |
normajeanebook.com | To Norma Jeane With Love, Jimmie -Jim Dougherty as told to LC Van Savage (2001) ISBN 1-888725-51-6 The sensitive and touching story of Jim Dougherty's teenage bride who later became Marilyn Monroe. Dozens of photographs. "The Marilyn Monroe book of the year!" As seen on TV |
omega3cookbook.com | A bookstore and free ideas and recipes for replacing "bad" fats in your diet with omega -3 unsaturated fats that are actually required nutrients for humans ("Essential Fatty Acids") |
http://pceconomics.com/ | Is it true that colleges educate the sense out of people? Why is economics so dismal, pessimistic and destructive of traditional American values? PC Economics is a Parody of the typical economics beliefs of our politically correct leaders. PC economics is lauded by political leaders. Economist Dr. Charles W. Holmes will give you a first clue about what the problem is. |
personalcareattendants.com | Avoiding Attendants from Hell- A Guide to finding, Hiring and Keeping Personal Care Attendants by June Price Reviewed in Inside MS |
perverseconsequences.com | How Accounting rules cause managers to do the wrong thing |
perverseconsequences.org | How Accounting rules cause managers to do the wrong thing |
plaguelegends.com | Plague Legends: from the Miasmas of Hippocrates to the Microbes of Pasteur-Socrates Litsios D.Sc. (2001) Medical progress from early history through the 19th Century in understanding origins and spread of contagious disease. A thorough but readable and enlightening history of medicine. |
http://poetrythatsoundsgood.com/ | Upcoming book on Poetry that Sounds Good. The sound should echo the Sense. techniques for improving your poetry. Other "How to books to improve your poetry. |
http://politicallycorrectbook.com/ | Is it true that colleges educate the sense out of people? Why is economics so dismal, pessimistic and destructive of traditional American values? PC Economics is a Parody of the typical economics beliefs of our politically correct leaders. PC economics is lauded by political leaders. Economist Dr. Charles W. Holmes will give you a first clue about what the problem is. |
http://politicallycorrecteconomics.com/ | Is it true that colleges educate the sense out of people? Why is economics so dismal, pessimistic and destructive of traditional American values? PC Economics is a Parody of the typical economics beliefs of our politically correct leaders. PC economics is lauded by political leaders. Economist Dr. Charles W. Holmes will give you a first clue about what the problem is. |
positivesingleconnections.com | If you test positivee for an incurable STD, it's not the end of the world! many people share your situation and would like to pursue relationships with understanding. |
positivesinglerelationships.com | If you test positivee for an incurable STD, it's not the end of the world! many people share your situation and would like to pursue relationships with understanding. |
postalfables.com | Stories about life in the Postal service |
postaltales.com | and some of the peculiar and entertaining incidents in the life of a postal worker |
http://prayerandsong.com/ | Rev. Peter Unger book and song CD of Christian Meditations |
Probabilityparables.com |
Probability parables and statistics vignettes by Dr. Bud Banis about:False Positive Paradox (Prosecutor's Fallacy):Fetal Screening for Down SyndromeHIV Screening: Probability of false positive depends on risk category. the Defense Attorney's FallacyOJ Simpson acquittalOther useful examples for conveying statistical principles |
http://puppetbookshop.com/ | "Me and My Shadows" classical shadow puppet book revised by Dr Bud
Me and My Shadows ISBN: 1-888725-44-3 Me and My Shadows - Shadow Puppet Fun for Kids of All Ages Adams/Banis $12.95 |
http://questionnairehints.com/ | T.L. Brink--Questionnaires ISBN 1-888725-74-5, 6½X8¼, 280 pp, $18.95 Questionnaires--Practical Hints on How to Avoid Mistakes in Design and Interpretation--By T.L.Brink, |
http://questionnairetips.com/ | T.L. Brink--Questionnaires ISBN 1-888725-74-5, 6½X8¼, 280 pp, $18.95 Questionnaires--Practical Hints on How to Avoid Mistakes in Design and Interpretation--By T.L.Brink, |
http://republicanordemocrat.us/ | Republican or Democrat? (2005) Moses Sanchez, who describes himself as "a Black Hispanic" thinks for himself, questions the stereotypes, examines the facts and makes his own decision. |
http://retiredexecutiveservice.com/ | Journey to a Closed City with the International Executive Service Corps—Russell R. Miller (2004) ISBN 1-888725-94-X, Describes the adventures of a retired executive volunteering with the senior citizens' equivalent of the Peace Corp as he applies his professional skills in a former Iron Curtain city emerging into the dawn of a new economy. This book is essential reading for anyone approaching retirement who is interested in opportunities to exercise skills to "do good" during expense-paid travel to intriguing locations. Journey to A Closed City should also appeal to armchair travelers eager to explore far-off corners of the world in our rapidly-evolving global community. Paperback, 5½X8¼, 270pp, $16.95 |
http://retiredexecutivetravel.com/ | Journey to a Closed City with the International Executive Service Corps—Russell R. Miller (2004) ISBN 1-888725-94-X, Describes the adventures of a retired executive volunteering with the senior citizens' equivalent of the Peace Corp as he applies his professional skills in a former Iron Curtain city emerging into the dawn of a new economy. This book is essential reading for anyone approaching retirement who is interested in opportunities to exercise skills to "do good" during expense-paid travel to intriguing locations. Journey to A Closed City should also appeal to armchair travelers eager to explore far-off corners of the world in our rapidly-evolving global community. Paperback, 5½X8¼, 270pp, $16.95 |
http://retiredinternationalservice.com/ | Journey to a Closed City with the International Executive Service Corps—Russell R. Miller (2004) ISBN 1-888725-94-X, Describes the adventures of a retired executive volunteering with the senior citizens' equivalent of the Peace Corp as he applies his professional skills in a former Iron Curtain city emerging into the dawn of a new economy. This book is essential reading for anyone approaching retirement who is interested in opportunities to exercise skills to "do good" during expense-paid travel to intriguing locations. Journey to A Closed City should also appeal to armchair travelers eager to explore far-off corners of the world in our rapidly-evolving global community. Paperback, 5½X8¼, 270pp, $16.95 |
http://retiredinternationaltravel.com/ | Journey to a Closed City with the International Executive Service Corps—Russell R. Miller (2004) ISBN 1-888725-94-X, Describes the adventures of a retired executive volunteering with the senior citizens' equivalent of the Peace Corp as he applies his professional skills in a former Iron Curtain city emerging into the dawn of a new economy. This book is essential reading for anyone approaching retirement who is interested in opportunities to exercise skills to "do good" during expense-paid travel to intriguing locations. Journey to A Closed City should also appeal to armchair travelers eager to explore far-off corners of the world in our rapidly-evolving global community. Paperback, 5½X8¼, 270pp, $16.95 |
http://rhythmofthesea.net/ | Rhythm of the Sea —Shari Cohen (2001). Delightful collection of heartwarming stories of life relationships set in the context of oceans and lakes. Shari Cohen is a popular author of Womens' magazine articles and contributor to the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. ISBN 1-888725-55-9, 8X6.5 150 pp |
http://riverdalechronicles.com/ | Riverdale Chronicles--Regular size print ISBN: 1-888725-84-2 Riverdale Chronicles--Regular size print edition. --Life, living and character studies in the setting of the Riverdale Golf Club by Charles F. Rechlin |
route66book.com | Growing Up on Route 66 —Michael Lund (2000) ISBN 1-888725-31-1
Coming-of-age novel evoking fond memories of what it was like to grow up
alongside “America’s Highway” in 20th Century Missouri. (Trade paperback)
5½ X8¼, 260 pp, $14.95 MacroPrintBooks™ edition (2001)
ISBN 1-888725-45-1 8¼X6½, 16 pt, 330 pp, $24.95
Route 66 Kids —Michael Lund (2002) ISBN 1-888725-70-2 Sequel to Growing Up on Route 66, continuing memories of what it was like to grow up alongside “America’s Highway” in 20th Century Missouri. (Trade paperback) 5½ X8¼, 270 pp, $14.95 |
route66choir.com | Michael Lund's novel about a choirmaster and hi misadventures in a small church on Route 66 |
http://route66spring.com/ | Michael Lund's Route 66 novel series. The lives of four young Missourians are changed when a bottle comes to the surface of one of the state's many natural springs. Inside is a letter written by a girl a dozen years after the end of the Civil War. Lucy Rivers Johns ' epistle contains a sad story of family failure and a powerful plea for help. This message from the last century crystallizes the individual frustrations of Janet Masters, Freddy Sills, Louis Clark, and Roberta Green, another group of Route 66 kids. Their response to the past charts a bold path into the future, a path inspired by the Mother Road itself. |
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Study for yourself about the correlates of risky behavior. Free videotutorials on statistics in EXCEL from Dr Bud Banis at the University of Missouri St Louis. Dr. Banis is an expert on statistical analysis in EXCEL applied to study of youth risk behavior. Free videotutorials are described and referenced at http://instructionalvideotutorials.com/ and http://statisticsvideos.com/ |
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